Schedule time for yourself

by | Nov 14, 2021 | The Journey

This title is really, really important. Today after taking the children to school, I had planned to continue doing renovations on the home and prepare for our weeks long camping trip. After a restless, sleepless night, I thought maybe my body is upset at me for working too much and I needed some me time. This me time put a huge smile on my face and was well worth it. Grabbed the surfboard, wetsuit and headed down to the beach for some small wave action. Other than spending time with my children this was a much-needed best part of my day.

It is really easy to fall into a routine of working, working on the go, always planning and doing something. This is good because it shows great motivation, but if we burn our self out then what will we do. Making time for our personal health not only will make us more productive but a happier person too. This happiness will translate to the relationships we interact with from day to day.

Productivity, creativity and having the energy coupled with the mindset to complete a task, are all side effects of providing one’s self with personal time. The engagement of your activity will let your brain relax from all the daily tasks and duties required of us. Now before we all plan to indulge in our preferred activity, I am a firm believer is something outdoors that requires a little physical exertion. This will cause the blood to move around and will perfuse that cerebral organ!

Some will argue that playing video games, or a short game on the phone, watching TV series, movies and even reading are their personal time for themselves. Depending on your career than these might be good and fun activities and reading is a really good pastime that enlightens us as individuals. What I am referring to is not taking our mind to another place or thought but having it think about what is going on in our lives and around us. This happens when we exercise such as hike, walk, jog, swim anything that lets our mind wander a bit.

Some of us might have health problems or something that prevents some of these activities, but even sitting on the front porch. hanging out at the park and just observing our surroundings will be beneficial.

Let’s schedule that date for ourselves to gain some of that me time. I am guilty of forgetting to do this, but after today it reminded me that I need to continue to take time for myself. Continuing to grow as a person takes constant work and reminders. Falling into the continued grind can eventually burden our minds and bodies.

What activities do you enjoy doing? Any recommendations or ideas shared can help people try new things that they may love.

Make it a great day!

Catching the Sun Rays! Soothing.

  • Jeremy Thacker

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