Hello Everyone!

by | Nov 14, 2023 | The Journey

Starting the blog again with a new domain name. I will see if I can find my other posts and put them up in an archive, but the purpose of this website is different than the other one. After getting the website up and running, I am now working on blogpost templates and formats. Currently I am brainstorming this as it will evolve as time goes on. Here is what I have so far. 

Post topics

Establish weekly goals?

  1. Say hello to a stranger and smile.
  2. Do two fun activities with my children.
  3. Work on self-improvement.

Did I learn anything this week?

Website goals –

Inspire positivity, kindness, and honesty. Did I do any of these this week?

Here it goes!

I made eye contact, smiled, and said hello! We made a bit of small talk and then we moved around in the lineup. This surfer was more on the newer side of surfing but able to surf and catch waves and it was fun to watch. Later in the surf sessions a bigger set wave came through, I was in prime position for it but decided to encourage this person to catch the wave and go for it! I think they belly road the wave all the way in and I heard them later say something along the lines, “That was insane!” Made me happy to watch someone enjoy surfing as much as I do and being able to provide a positive environment for my fellow surfers.

Earlier in the week one of my surf buddies and I surfed pipes in San Diego. He loves these breaks as its reef and the surf does not get too big, plus it’s like a halfway meeting place from his home to mine. The waves were good this day, occasional 4ft waves and the crowd was small and friendly. I have noticed my home exercise routine gives a positive effect to my surfing. I am stronger, paddle stronger and notice the weight loss. We were able to share many waves and have a great time. Big turns and carves. So much fun!

Fun activities with the family! My son loves cooking, so we cooked together the other night and tonight we are cooking again. The plan is a bed of rice under grilled salmon. Stir-fried sugar snap peas with some herbs mixed in. The side will be creamy tomato soup.  My daughter wanted to be picked up early from her mom’s place and we chatted it up. Easy activity but she was all smiles from ear to ear with me just listening to her stories! We did attempt to go to the pool and jacuzzi but the jacuzzi was not warm, so the HOA is going get a phone call from me.

Self-improvement, I have been using my gym equipment lots lately except yesterday as I pulled two muscles one in my back and my left shoulder from weeks ago. Both were really bothering me. Today they feel better but still hurt. I plan on a light workout and stretching, hopefully tomorrow I will be back to using heavier weights again. The website is coming along, it’s working and I believe it will be a good outlet for me to share my thoughts and help me better express myself.  

  • Jeremy Thacker

    Total Post 7